Monday, October 06, 2008

It still stumps me..

After the World Trade Centre towers neatly 'collapsed' and the little (!) TC 7 Building was badly damaged the reporters were told 'we are going to have to let go Building 7' and twenty minutes later they neatly 'collapsed' that building too somehow. I was all convinced that crashing a big jet into a building conveniently collapses it - we saw it happen twice in one day - but no, it turns out they can just press a button as well!

Normally it takes weeks/months to prepare explosive charges to safely 'implode' a building. How could they have done this on such short notice in a burning building, and why didn't they do this with the Oklahoma Federal Building (remember that one). It burned for days and never came close to collapsing.
Anyway, I just saw this on the internet and it reminded me of the conspiracy theory! On the right is a controlled demolition:

collapse @ Yahoo!7 Video

If anyone remembers, Hitler conveniently started his dictatorship banning other political parties from existing after the Reichstag Building was burned down supposedly by a 'communist'. Hitler suspended all of the basic rights of citizens and imposing the death sentence for arson, sabotage, and disturbances to public order. Arrests could be made on suspicion, and people could be sentenced to prison without trial or the right of counsel, and this was 'For the Protection of the People and State,'. Sounds a little like a Counter-Terrorism Bill doesn't it!

Just like President Bush was able to start the 'War on Terror' after 9/11, President Clinton instigated the Counter-Terrorism Bill after blaming the Oklahoma Federal Building bombing on domestic right-wing terrorists. Timothy McVeigh was arrested for the crime, but there is plenty of controversy about that as well. Enough of this, it is outside our fence of 2 Rose Court!

Personally I think there is just soooo much we don't know about and so much we do not want to know about. We ought to just trust the press and not think for ourselves. Ignorance is bliss!

Here is just one link to the 9/11 conspiracy if anyone is interested. There are plenty more of course.

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