Thursday, October 23, 2008

Enhanced Senseo Sensation

The eBay purchased Senseo accessories arrived via mail from Germany! Super quick delivery too! 

By now we are a little tired of the Senseo's choice of coffee. You really need to use two senseo coffee pads to make one half decent cuppa, and these pods are expensive! You buy them in packets of 18 pods for about $7, so if you think about it that is only 9 good cups - compared to a kilogram of beans which makes 324816754 cups for about $20.

So we now have two good alternative options. One is the coffeeduck (see above) a little basket that holds coffee, and the other one is a set of 5 refillable ecopads (see below), plastic pods. Both work fine, and both give you a good cup of coffee with your own choice of coffee! 

I prefer the Ecopad refillable Coffeepods as you can fill all 5 and use them conveniently. The Coffeeduck is a bit more clumsy as you have to rinse and re-fill in between each cup. Anyway, we are much happier with the Senseo now and do not feel pressured into buying a new e$$pre$$o ma$$ino!

If you have a Senseo I would highly reccomend you click Der Auctionator's store on eBay and order one for yourself:  <click here>.

...We are getting quotes for a new kitchen, but it is pretty expensive I think. Maybe we can do it after Christmas, but the other option is to leave the kitchen for now and get a garage and convert to gas hot-water/heating - about the same price as a kitchen renovation.... Choices...

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