Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weekend with my bruddah!

Frank came over from Canberra to look at houses with me... Cindy helped make us sushi for dinner!
The big question is do we find something that is a) a good investment, b) affordable for me to live in now, or c) affordable with housemate now and potentially perfect for later, and d) should we care about resale value if we find some place I would really like to live?

These questions arose after we discovered that if I rent the property from Frank at lowish rent the house would give me no option to have someone share, the option to live in a beautiful place where I could comfortably have a person share for now and pay about the same as a cheap place (but have the option to one day afford it on my own), or find something we can develop which may make me less comfy now but give me potential free rent later on and perhaps even be a good investment... I like option c.

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