Well, done my dash, organised a lot of stuff, saw Lucas and worked on the documentary, walked up the ridge and went for a run, and it is back to Devonport for me! See the other blog:
http://www.cofe4cf.blogspot.com/Mum and I walked for miles and miles around Isaacs, enjoying the views of snow topped mountains in the distance and got home just in time to rush to the airport.
As the plane bolted down the runway we saw all these kangaroos behind the fence. Hard to see in the pic, but was pretty cool. I can understand they need to cull them occasionally.
Goodbye cold weather, hello sunny Devonport (8 degrees C. when I landed at 830pm).
A decorated tree in Isaacs...
I also found a Reece's Peanutbutter cup wrapper on top of the ridge, which I found worrying as we just brought back a whole bunch from the USA recently!