Sunday, December 25, 2011

December 2011

It is really nice to go out with a wonderful woman like Ree who lives in such a beautiful little home. Its been a couple of years now. Just testing out my wide angle adaptor for the camera. Pretty cool toy. So this is where I spend a lot of my time these days...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Devonport Brass wishing us a Merry Happy

I always love it when I see some community spirit! Here is the local brass band spreading some Christmas Cheer!

Tonight was their last night, but they've done this for a few of them. If anyone has their website I'll post it here.

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Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Frank's Family

Visiting Canberra included meeting up with Frank and his family! Here pictured in front of the Canberra Hyatt Hotel (Frank, Jonah, Esther, Jacqie and Rebecca).

Canberra is always great for cycling and walking, bit of a health kick for me.
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Monday, April 11, 2011

Steaming with Enthusiasm

Our beloved Don Railway is run entirely by volunteers. The steam locomotive is not always in operation, and when it is in for repair or maintenance the diesel trains run.

The Tasmanian Government assists the Don railway with Tourist Development Grants, but mostly I believe the project to be self-funded. Check out their web-site:

Saturday, April 02, 2011


Ree's dog Mouse got treated with a Hydrodog treatment! Not sure about the orange bits stuck in her ears though... As I was busy doing important stuff like cutting up onions for relish and clearing the gutter pipe, pruning trees and cleaning car,.... Margie was busy in her Hydro trailer.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

HongKong Interlude

I was lucky enough to wrangle a week in HongKong. My pilot friend Jim decided to retire from Qantas and I did everything in my power to find tickets to fly with him! In Hong Kong I stayed with my friends Khami and Ned and their family which was fantastic.

Lucky to have Chinese New Year in Hong Kong, as it is the quietest and the least polluted time of the year to be there. It all came together fabulously, and I had an awesome trip!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Turners Beach

I so love 'running' my circuit around Turners Beach. As close it is to civilisation I feel like I am there alone and noone hears me cough! Running past the Berry Patch and across the railway, through the fields, a few miles along the beach,... loving it!
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bus driver Wally

Betcha didnt know I had a bus license? Here I am driving some Devonport Hashers to the OnOn. Below is a random picture of the Carols by Candlelight evening in Devonport.

Normally this is held at the Soundshell on the Bluff (very nice there), but this year Devonport City Council decided to hold it on some
flat oval as there was construction going on near the Bluff. The council has really ruined the festive season in Devonport. No Christmas tree, no fireworks, major road construction (in two places) going on... Not a pleasant place for tourists or locals alike right now.
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Monday, November 29, 2010

Devonport Show

Time for the Devonport Show! Last year the second day was such a wash-out that entry was free! This year wasn't too bad. Rain on the afternoon of the second day added a nice touch to the agricultural show with the smell of rain, food and manure all nicely mixed and wafting together. The Loane's livestock was well represented and they even had their own pavilion for the judging!

Always interesting to watch the travelling interstate 'show people' with their sideshows and stands at the show, the other animals, and the people that attend. I helped catch a budgie, Ree smuggled water into a cage for a thirsty rabbit, we petted goats and cows,...
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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Litter bugs in Canberra

Nothing irritates me more than dumb people, women in this case, both smoking in the back seat of a car and throwing out cigarette buts. In Tasmania I have the litter-report form in the glove box... Lucky my mother in Canberra doesn't have one handy. This image was taken 20 October 17:37hrs. on Hindmarsh Drive at the Athlon drive lights. Call me pedantic, but at least I didn't report them...

Report littering: Call Canberra Connect on 13 22 81 or complete the Canberra Connect Feedback Form
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